Thursday, June 6th 2019

SOS “Kilmarnock Event”

SOS “Kilmarnock Event”
On the 6th June Sense over Sectarianism worked in partnership with New Farm Loch Community Council, Youthlink Scotland, Kilmarnock FC and Rangers FC to deliver a multi school tackling sectarianism workshop event.
In total, over 100 teenagers from 5 schools in and around Kilmarnock attended the event which was hosted by the Kilmarnock FC’s Park Hotel.
The event kicked off around 9.30 and comprised of 4 workshop areas where the young people (mixed into separate groups) experienced every workshop in a carousel format.
Sense over Sectarianism explored the young people’s likes and dislikes about their community and then came up with plans to combat sectarianism in ther own community. The Rangers FC boys, Keiran and Ralph, explained the history of the Old Firm clubs and then asked the young people to come up with ideas about what football clubs could do to reduce sectarian behaviour around matches.
Sarah from Youthlink, assisted by 2 excellent senior school volunteers, delivered the new Hate Crime pack “Speak Up” and Kilmarnock FC were represented by Team Corrymeela a group of 5 teenage girls who delivered an excellent workshop defining prejudice and discrimination in ways relevant to young people.
Local Community Police and Campus Cops together with schools staff further assisted the workshops to make the day a huge success. A real example of a multi-agency approach to Tackling Sectarianism.
For more information about these type of events or any other SOS resources please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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