Tuesday, September 7th 2021

SOS 20 year anniversary

  The Sense over Sectarianism project was delighted to celebrate its 20th anniversary during the Summer of 2021. As part of this celebration a film has been complied to document and share the origins, progress and current situation of the project.

The Sense over Sectarianism project was started on 2nd July 2001 by recently retired Social Inclusion Officer Alison Logan.

The project was launched originally by Glasgow City Council Education Services in partnership with both Rangers and Celtic Football Clubs, the Church of Scotland and Catholic Archdiocese in Glasgow and anti-sectarian charity Nil by Mouth.

The stated aim was to raise awareness about sectarianism and to challenge religiously aggravated prejudice and discrimination.

Initially the project was delivered by community groups with SOS funding and support at a local level.

Gradually the focus changed to become a school-based education programme through the support of individuals such as Celine McKinlay, Geraldine Parkinson and many other teaching and education staff.

With the support of the Scottish Government Community Safety Team new roles were created and the roles of first a Schools Officer and then a Development Officer emerged.

Today the project is Coordinated by me, Mark Adams, with support from the SOS team and teaching staff across Scotland.

The film can be viewed here:


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Watch our Talking Heads - a collection of video interviews real people, expressing their real views.
