Tuesday, May 22nd 2018

Sense over Sectarianism School of Excellence

St Andrews secondary school in the east end of Glasgow changed to its new academic year timetable in mid-May and as part of the transition the new S2 cohort had the opportunity to participate in the Sense over Sectarianism School of Excellence project.

The young people had several themes to choose from and a cohort of around 30 new S2s volunteered to participate in a week long Citizenship programme. The “Tackling Sectarianism” agenda is very strongly linked to the theme of Citizenship in Glasgow schools and as a result SOS Development Officer Mark Adams was invited in to deliver the entire Scarfed for Life resource pack as well as other complimentary activities.

On the Monday the group came together to tackle the first two lessons in the resource pack and studied the definitions and examples of the involved behaviours in the morning and the Rights and Responsibilities of being a Football Fan and/or a Social Media user in the afternoon.

On the Tuesday the group took part in a Glasgow Wide Bus Tour to visit landmarks across the city that feature in both the Divided City text and the Scarfed for Life drama.

On the Thursday the young people divided up the parts of Scarfed for Life and read the entire text with many stops for discussion around the many issues raised in the play.

The week long programme concluded on the Friday as they young people studied the final two lessons of the pack investigating the Circle of Influence of the two main characters and themselves before rounding off with an interactive debate around who was responsible for Jack’s injury and who is responsible for reducing sectarianism in our communities.

SOS were delighted to participate in such as worthwhile and valuable week of activity.

For more information about any of the work detailed above please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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