Monday, January 28th 2019

Sense over Sectarianism “Holocaust Memorial Event”

Every January Sense over Sectarianism organise and deliver the Glasgow Schools Holocaust memorial event in the Banqueting Hall of Glasgow City Chambers. This year is no different and the event will take place on Tuesday 29th January from 10am – 12 Noon.

The invited audience will consist or around 400 people including primary and secondary school children and staff, representatives from Interfaith Scotland, Local Elected Members and Senior Education staff.

This year the event will be hosted by two S5 pupils from Holyrood Secondary and the audience will witness a drama performance by Lourdes Secondary and listen to music and songs from the Glasgow Schools String Ensemble and the newly formed St Bride’s school choir.

The audience will also hear readings about the Holocaust and subsequent genocides by young people from Whitehill Secondary School and Merrylee Primary School.

The headline of the programme however involve two very special guest speakers. Martin Stern is a Dutch born Holocaust survivor and he will recount his story which is sure to be of great interest. The second headline speaker is Farida Abbas a young Yazidi survivor from the ISIS attacks on her community in Iraq.

The event will surely be one to remember and have a deep and meaningful impact on everyone involved.

For more information about this event or about the month of action or indeed any other SOS resource please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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