Monday, January 28th 2019

SACRO at Braidhurst Highschool

‘We were invited to Braidhurst High School on the 10th of January to deliver our pilot Hate Crime workshop with S3-S4 pupils.

The content and structure of the workshop was specifically designed to be fun, educational and constructive.

At the end of the workshop a very short evaluation form was handed out to all participants and the feedback was really positive with pupils stating that Sacro staff were engaging and supportive, the comments from the young people are too good not to share:

• ‘Made me realise it could hurt more people’
• ‘It’s made me think before I speak’
• ‘Think about it before you say it you don’t know who could get offended’
•  ‘They gave us a good discussion about everything’
• ‘Wasn’t hard to understand’

Well done to the pupils, it was a pleasure to meet you all and many thanks to the teaching staff and campus cops who supported us on the day.’


NEW AREA ALERT!!! STOP are now covering East Dunbartonshire!!

Many thanks to East Dunbartonshire Council Criminal Justice Social Work for inviting STOP (Sacro Tackling Offending Prejudices) to deliver a presentation last week on our very unique Hate Crime Service.Our programmes are bespoke and can assist with positive changes in attitude and behaviour for individuals.STOP are looking forward to a close working relationship with East Dunbartonshire and have accepted their 1st referral’

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