Monday, August 20th 2018

PREVENT Resources Project

As a result of the successful Sense over Sectarianism led Tackling Sectarianism resources project in partnership with the Scottish Government and Education Scotland across late 2016 and early 2017, the SOS team were once again asked to lead on a large teaching resource project with the same partners in late 2017.
SOS have been delivering the Home Office initiated Workshops to Raise Awareness about Radicalisation (WRAP) across Glasgow City Council for some time and have worked with various partners. This work has centred on the danger of the radicalisation of vulnerable young people by groups such as Islamist Militants, Far Right Groups, Animal Rights Groups and Northern Irish Paramilitary Groups.
Clearly this is a sensitive area of work and it is of the utmost importance to ensure that our young people are supported and given the correct educational input to allow them to make the best decisions for their future. 
The PREVENT resources project has as a result taken some time to process as a thorough examination and review of existing resources from right across the world has taken place. Several excellent resources have been identified and a short list has now been compiled.
Information about the launch of these resources and how to access and deliver them will be available in the near future.
For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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