Wednesday, May 23rd 2018

North Kelvin Sports Development Group's Bridges & Barriers Begins 2018/19

Our Bridges & Barriers Anti-Sectarianism after-school project has started for 2018-2019.

This time we are looking to expand our footprint further. We will be continuing our citywide approach targeting primary schools in Glasgow City Council in areas that we did not go to last time.

We also are hoping to show that our after-school model works in other areas out with Glasgow and in councils in the surrounding areas. In addition, we are looking to see if we can take the project out with Scotland’s central belt. Discussions have already taken place so watch this space!

Complementary partnership working is at the heart of our project. Specifically, we will be adding aspects of the Divided City novel into areas of our workshops to complement the P7 curricular work already taking place.

As always we will be working with Active Schools, creating more new relationships in Glasgow and other councils too. Our close ties with Sense over Sectarianism and their Communities United programme further complements our work being done.

We will have six blocks of six weeks of workshops and games until March 2019. Our first session starts this week at Cadder Primary School, which is a geographically isolated school in the north-west of Glasgow. This will be another aspect we focus on so that some schools do not miss out for not having a nearby partner school.

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