Thursday, June 22nd 2017

Man jailed for fire attack on mosque

The BBC have reported that a man has admitted to a petrol bomb attack at the Central Mosque in Edinburgh, last September.

Thomas Conington started pleaded guilty to a number of crimes including fire-raising aggravated by religious prejudice.

Lord Burns imposed an Order for Lifelong Restriction. Conington must serve at least three years and nine months.

A fire at the mosque a year earlier had also been started by Conington.

Lord Burns identified him as someoe who "relishes violence".

He said: "As stated, you are a bigot and have a long history of behaviour of that nature.

"The risk assessment gives a chilling insight to your attitude towards ethnic minorities.

"You appear to be someone who relishes violence and may attack strangers randomly and without reason.

"The risk is a high one and the public require protection from you for a very long time."

The full article is available at: 

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