Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation in Scotland
Lord Bracadale was appointed by Scottish Ministers in January 2017 to conduct an independent review of hate crime legislation in Scotland. His recommendations were provided to Scottish Ministers in the Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation in Scotland, published on 31st May 2018. The report considers:
• the current law and consider how well it deals with hate crime behaviour
• whether new statutory aggravations should be created for example in relation to age and gender
• whether the religious statutory aggravation is fit for purpose or should be expanded
• whether we should make hate crime laws simpler by bringing them all together in one place
• any issues or gaps in the framework for hate crime laws and to make sure that hate crime laws are compatible with laws that protect human rights and equality
Lord Bracadale’s report provides his recommendations which are based on evidence and what he has learnt from a wide range of people about their experiences of hate crime and the impact that this can have on individuals and communities. Lord Bracadale’s report considers whether hate crime laws are needed, what is working well under the current system and should be retained, what should be changed and what the benefit would be and what policy and procedural developments are underway or planned.