Thursday, August 22nd 2019

Gathering in Glasgow in Conflict and Faith

We invite you to join Place for Hope and partners at the 

Gathering in Glasgow in Conflict and Faith

Thursday, 31st October 2019 - Saturday, 2nd November 2019

Glasgow Royal Concert Hall and Adelaide Place Baptist Church, Glasgow

Change, conflict and reconciliation are core to the journey of faith, to churches and to the world. Open to everyone interested in faith-based conflict transformation, this gathering aims to:


  • respond to the hunger for reconciliation and peace in churches and communities
  • develop and sustain the art of conflict transformation, reconciliation and peacebuilding
  • share and develop knowledge and skills to support reconciliation work
  • strengthen the unique contribution made to conflict transformation by churches and faith communities
  • uncover the peacemaking skills you already have!


Keynote speakers include:

David Brubaker

Sarah Hills

Brendan McAllister

Ruth Harvey


Tickets from £170 – £295 Early bird and day tickets available available


For more information and to book visit:


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Watch our Talking Heads - a collection of video interviews real people, expressing their real views.
