Monday, March 26th 2018

Funding Announced for Anti-Sectarian Projects in Scotland

The Scottish Government announced at the weekend it would be extending the funding through to 2018/2019 for anti-sectarian groups. 

The funding has increased to £515,000 and will be split aross nine groups over the next twelve months: Bridging the Gap, Nil by Mouth, North Kelvin Sports Development Group, Sacro, Sense over Sectarianism, Supporters Direct Scotland, Youth Scotland, YouthLink Scotland, West of Scotland Regional Equality Council. 

YouthLink Scotland is delighted to continute the work on tackling sectarianism in Scotland. 

Annabelle Ewing, Community Safety Minister, said: “Sectarianism must be tackled with the same conviction as every other hate crime. Since 2012 we have delivered an unprecedented range of activities to tackle the issue across Scotland, which have made a significant impact – and this latest funding builds on these achievements.

“We have shown sustained leadership and commitment to this agenda and look forward to working with others who can positively influence the communities they serve so that we can eradicate sectarianism once and for all.”

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