Wednesday, December 19th 2018

Current debate around the future plans for Orange Order Parades in Glasgow.

David Leask the Chief reporter for The Herald published article on 17th December examining the debate that has taken place in the last six months around the future plans for Orange Order Parades in Glasgow.

Following the alleged assault on Canon Tom White on 7th of July outside St Alphonsus’ Church Calton, Glasgow City Council will impose a new route for the Orange Order parades in this area.

For some this incident was the tip of the iceberg and proved routine intimidation of Catholics, but for others this was a one-off, a rarity. As a result, these restrictions have caused anger and claims that these constraints infringe the marchers’ human rights and create “religious no go areas” in the City. 

The Article expresses the current mood and concerns being voiced from a number of contributors: Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council, Dave Scott from Nil By Mouth, James Kelly MSP, Michael Rosie, Edinburgh University and Jeanette Findlay from Call it Out, all give their views on this controversial discussion.

The full article can be read at:

Orange order march 2016 

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