Monday, December 23rd 2019

Collective Leadership on tackling sectarianism event

Understanding the challenges and gaining insights to new create possibilities. Part of the Fire Starter Festival #fsf2020.

About this Event

Sectarianism remains a real issue that affects the lives of individuals and communities across Scotland. It is a complex and emotive issue that is not even handed – its impact is not felt in the same way across the country. Despite this complexity we continue to see people taking encouraging and effective action to bring about positive changes. In the past year a group have experimented with the collective leadership approach to see whether this has the potential to provide new ways of approaching the systemic problems that lead to sectarian attitudes and behaviour.

Join the collective leadership group:

  • Dr Anthony Allison, Affiliate (Theology & Religious Studies), University of Glasgow
  • Professor Duncan Morrow, Director of Community Engagement at Ulster University
  • Rev Ruth Harvey, Director, Place for Hope
  • Abdul Rahim, Director, Centre for Good Relations
  • Dr Michael Rosie, Senior Lecturer in Sociology; Programme Co-Director, Nationalism Studies, University of Edinburgh
  • Lorraine Gillies, Chief Officer, Scottish Community Safety Network
  • Diarmaid Lawlor, Architecture & Design Scotland
  • Dave Scott, Nil by Mouth
  • Mark Adams, Development Officer, Sense Over Sectarianism

Join them to hear about their journey; their perspectives on the issues; their feelings on collective leadership as an approach to tackling social issues and whether they believe there is a role for this approach in helping to shape government policy. This is your chance to influence, and be part of, the future development, thinking and action on the agenda on tackling sectarianism in Scotland.

Please share your thoughts and pictures from the event with #fsf2020.


Fire Starter Festival is an annual three week festival highlighting and celebrating innovation and creativity in Scottish public services, with a particular focus on transformational change. It allows people from all aspects of public service to showcase and share the innovative and creative ways they are making a difference to Scotland. We hope you'll be able to join us for what will be an amazing, provocative learning event sparking off the festival. Please check out all the different events in our FSF events calendar. The festival runs between 27 January and 14 February 2020.


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