Many primary schools in Glasgow are delivering SOS projects within their curriculum and using the resources that have been developed to support the work including:

  • Divided City – Novel Study
  • SOS Drama Pack
  • Glasgow United? Pack
  • Communities United? Workshops delivered by SOS

These resources provide the opportunity for teachers to explore the issue of sectarianism in a safe and challenging environment and address 4 key questions:

  • What is sectarianism?
  • How does sectarianism manifest itself in our community?
  • How does sectarianism impact on individuals and society?
  • What actions can I take to deal with sectarianism?

While many schools shape up their own projects and may use different resources, exploring these key questions through the above resources gives the opportunity for teachers to deliver to the following experiences and outcomes at the 2nd Level within Curriculum for Excellence:

This lesson pack has been designed to support teaching staff in the delivery of anti-sectarian work within their class. The content is best delivered with knowledge of the working definition of sectarianism and also an awareness of the historical context which it has been developed from (See links below).

Although presented as a 3 session pack, the time in which they can be delivered should be suited to the class needs. Ideally, they should be delivered over 3 consecutive weeks to reinforce the learning, but it is also possible to include the lessons within a wider term of work on the issues.

As the following activities create a space for pupils to explore the themes of prejudice, discrimination and bigotry; there is an opportunity for teachers to deliver the session within a wider inclusion-centred project. Many schools have used the following sessions to initiate discussions and have followed this up by including additional topics (i.e. Holocaust Education, Gender-Based Violence, Global Education and Citizenship.

The lessons described below can complement the existing packs which are available free of charge from Sense over Sectarianism. Many schools in the past have chosen to select the activities which are most applicable to the needs of the class and delivered them accordingly.

Additional information on the history of Sectarianism can be found at:

A full Glossary of Terms can also be accessed by using the following link:

Watch our Talking Heads - a collection of video interviews real people, expressing their real views.
