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Videos filmed and edited by Action on Sectarianism showcasing the work of projects funded to tackle sectarianism across Scotland.

A Changing Face of Scotland

On the 18 August 2015 the Scottish Storytelling Centre held an event called "A Changing Face of Scotland" at the just festival in Edinburgh.

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank Donald Smith for providing us with an interview, the Scottish Storytelling Centre and just festival for hosting the event and allowing us to film.

Additional thanks to all those involved in the performance and those who took part in the panel discussions.

"Title Goes Here" What is Sectarianism?

What is Sectarianism? Young people from St.Teresa's Youth Club in Craigmillar Edinburgh interviewed community members to find out. Filmed and edited by the young people of St.Teresa's Youth Club with the support of Action on Sectarianism.

Thanks goes to: The community members who agreed to be interviewed. Craigmillar Library and Reh, Gavin, Joe, Suz and Abi. Sandy's community centre and Graham and Chez, Kate Towie and St.Teresa's Youth Club, Nikki, Lee, Billie, Will and Lauren, Katie, Eli, Frances, Kieron M, Ty, Tj and Kieron W.

Stand up to Sectarianism for funding the project. Action on Sectarianism and Sarah and Paul for supporting the making of this film.

Scarfed for Life

Scarfed for Life is a modern Scottish parable set against the backdrop of the first Celtic and Rangers clash of the season. Funny, hard-hitting and thought provoking. Supported by the Scottish Government Action on Tackling Sectarianism.

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank Martin Travers and the Citizens Theatre for inviting us along to the production and the Just Festival for hosting the event.

A big thank you to Katie and Owen for providing us with interviews and all the performers on the day.

Glass Bottles, Glass Ceilings and Glass Curtains

Duncan Morrow, Chair of the Independent Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland explains what 'Glass Bottles, Glass Ceilings and Glass Curtains' are in the context of sectarianism.

Sense Over Sectarianism - Ministerial Visit to Caldercuilt Primary

On the 22nd January 2015 the Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs, Paul Wheelhouse MSP visited Caldercuilt Primary where the pupils were taking part in their fourth Sense Over Sectarianism workshop.

Watch the video to find out more about the project and what the Minister and the pupils thought.

Weaving the Threads Together

A Celebration of Faith Groups Responding Together to SectarianismThe Ferry, 26 February 2015.

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank the Conforti Institute, A Place for Hope and Faith in Community Scotland for the event. Individual thanks to Rev. Janet Foggie, Joan Baird and Paul Mathison for interviews and a big thank you to all the staff from the Ferry and all in attendance for allowing us to film the event.

Conforti Question Time

On 21st January Conforti Institute held a Question Time format event inviting questions from the local community on the topic of sectarianism. Panel members included Geraldine Hill, Michael Rosie, Ruth Harvey and Des Dillion.

Divided City

St. Helen's and Condorrat Primary Schools Cumbernauld performance of 'Divided City' 4 November 2014.

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank the Citizens Theatre and Martin Travers, Claire McKenzie for the original music and Theresa Breslin the writer.

A big thank you to the schools involved, St. Helen's and Condorrat Primary and all of the pupils performing.

Individual thanks to Margaret Friel, Julie-Ann Price, Campbell Lawrie, Angela Smith, Yvonne Donald, Gabriella Seaver, Morag Donald, Ryan and Rhiannon for interviews.

Family Céilidh at Conforti

Conforti Anti-Sectarian Project in collaboration with the Motherwell Action Group & the Presbytery of Hamilton, held a family céilidh event at the Conforti Institute. 

It's aim was to bring the two communities closer together in a more informal setting.

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank the Conforti Institute, Motherwell Action Group & the Presbytery of Hamilton for organising the event and inviting us along to film.

Individual thanks to Geraldine Hill, Irene Anderson, Stephen Reilly and Jane Rafferty for providing interviews. Thanks also to all in attendance for allowing filming and The Scone Fairies for the music.

Sacro National Conference

Sacro Anti-Sectarian Service held a workshop for delegates attending the Sacro National Conference.

The session offered attendees the chance to find out more about the service and its aims and objectives.

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank Sacro for inviting us along to the National Conference and to the delegates attending that allowed us to film them.

Individual thanks to Rachelle Walker, Kate Ritchie and Jo Thomace for organising the workshop and appearing in the video.

VAF National Discussion Day

The Voluntary Action Fund held a National Discussion day on 10 November 2014 at St.George's Church in Edinburgh.

The event involved delegates from all of the funded projects tackling sectarianism across Scotland giving feedback from the projects to the Scottish Government and having discourse on sustainability moving forward. 

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank the Voluntary Action Fund for organising the days events, the Advisory Group and all of the funded projects attending. 

Individual thanks to Dr Michael Rosie, Christian Allard MSP, Kathleen Deacon, Liz Mitchell, Ryan McKay and Terry Strain for providing interviews.

Leith Multicultural Event

The Leith Anti-Sectarianism Project held a Multicultural Event on Saturday 25 October in Ocean Terminals community space.
The event celebrated the diversity and multiculturalism of Leith and offered the chance to find out more about anti-sectarian work taking place both locally and nationally.

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank Pilmeny Development Project for organising the event and inviting us along to record the days activities.
Individual thanks to Ryan McKay, Cllr Deidre Brock and MSP Malcolm Chisolm for appearing in the video.

Moving Forward Together

Education Scotland is one of the national organisations taking forward capacity building activities to support Scottish Government's objective in tackling sectarianism.
The event offered the chance to draw upon good practice in communities in dealing with prejudice.

The event also allowed delegates to have discussions on building the capacity to tackle sectarianism in partnership at a local and national level and how to encourage further development of positive working relationships across the wider community.

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank education Scotland for organising the event.
Individual thanks to Bill Weir, David Watt, Alison Logan, Sheila Brown and Elizabeth Campbell for appearing in the film.

SACRO Open Day

Sacro held an open day on the 16th September at the Dalziel Building in Motherwell promoting the Sacro Anti-Sectarian Service (SASS).

Action on Sectarianism were invited along to video the Sacro open day and help promote the SACRO Anti Sectarian Service and their work as a diversion from prosecution. Court proceedings are put on hold whilst the person referred completes a Cognitive Behavioural programme to help them identify their attitudes and behaviours in relation to sectarianism, and how to use this knowledge to avoid similar offending in future.

Xchange Scotland & WSREC at Linkes Youth Club

Xchange Scotland and the West of Scotland Regional Equality Council visited Linkes Youth Club in Glasgow where they held a workshop over three weeks with a group of local children tackling the subject of sectarianism. We followed the project and the resulting mural that came out of their discussions. 

Thanks to the West of Scotland Regional Equality Council, Voluntary Action Fund, Xchange Scotland, Linkes Youth Club and Glasgow Life.
Individual thanks to Tiff Griffin, Monique Campbell, Heather McGill-Crawford, Julia Rodriguez Nieto and all staff involved and letting us follow the activities.

 Healing Sectarian Division

Forgiveness is an important process in healing sectarian divisions. As part of the Just Festival in August 2014 the Advisory Group on Tackling Sectarianism in Scotland facilitated a Civic Cafe on forgiveness to examine what it means to forgive; why forgiveness is central to building holistic communities; and why the
ability to forgive is a measure of a compassionate and humane society.

This video depicts the main points raised in the discussions as well as inputs from Roseanna Cunningham, Minister for Community Safety and Legal Affairs, Duncan Morrow, Chairman of the Advisory Group and Nancy Adams from Place for Hope.

The Colours of Our Scarves

'The Colour of our Scarves' team visited Cliftonhill Stadium home of Albion Rovers and lead a focus group of supporters and local residents, the topic up for discussion was sectarianism. 

The discussions took place before the Albion Rovers and Annan Athtletic match, with the players wearing 'Colours of our Scarves' t-shirts during their warm up to show their support for the project.

Supporters Direct Scotland would like to thank:
Albion Rovers Football Club, Albion Rovers Chairman John Devlin, Pat Rolink and Eddie Hagerty.

Action on Sectarianism would like to thank the staff of the Colours of our Scarves project at Supporters Direct Scotland for allowing us to come along and film the activities of the day.

For more information about 'Colours of our Scarves' please visit:

Duncan Morrow introduces the Independant Report at the VAF Discussion Event, 30th January 2014.

Aos interviews Roseanna Cunningham, Mininster for Community Safety.

Duncan Morrow, Chairman of the Advisory Group at the launch of the Independant Report 13th December 2013.

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Watch our Talking Heads - a collection of video interviews real people, expressing their real views.
